What started as a passionate hobby in 1998 has developed into a small family run farm business for Shawn and Anthea Hinves and their five children on the picturesque farmlands of Kangaroo Island. With almost 500 productive hives the family is kept busy tending to their precious Ligurian bees through all seasons. A good season can see up to 20 tons of honey extracted.
With Organic Certification through the National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia [NASSA], Shawn adheres to strict guidelines to maintain records of hive locations, extraction, storage and sales so all honey produced can be traced through each step of production.
The result is delicious raw organic honey and honey products from seriously happy bees! Once you see how beautiful Kangaroo Island is, you’ll understand what all the buzz is about.
You’re welcome to visit their farm to see the workings of the beehive, extraction plant and packing room where you can taste their honey. You’ll even be able to meet the locals Kaz and Angel the dogs, Mace the magpie, mother and son Faith and Angus the cows and pat the goats Johnny, Mia and Abi.
For those keen for a full-on beekeeping experience there are group and private sessions available during spring and summer depending on the weather.